Monday, January 30, 2012

Feb. 20-26 is Missouri Saves Week - Events will encourage saving and asset-building for all Missourians

Photo by Sufi Zawaz
COLUMBIA, Mo. - Saving is a great tool that can help you control your money, rather than letting money control you.

With the U.S. savings rate at half what it was in the late 1950s, University of Missouri Extension is joining forces with America Saves to encourage Missourians to set aside funds for the future.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Money: It's a family affair - Making money talk safe

Photo by David Siqueira
MARSHALL, Mo. – If money makes the world go around, then not having enough of it can bring your smoothly spinning world to a screeching halt.

Money is the No. 1 issue that families fight over, notes Cynthia Crawford, a University of Missouri Extension professional and family financial education specialist. Living hand-to-mouth is stressful, and money problems can embroil your family in continual arguments and disagreements.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Healthy After School Snacks

Learning is hungry work.  Most children have lunch around 11:30, and then classes all afternoon.  Add an after school activity or two and by the time they get home they’re running on empty.  It’s small wonder that they head straight to the kitchen to devour whatever they can get their hands on.  So, how can you make sure that they’re choosing snacks that are good for them?  It’s easy, just think “inside” the box.